Waiting for Life to Change


The next couple weeks are slated to be a wild time. I have been going to a couple graduate school visits, seeing friends in NYC, a couple concerts, and expecting to hear back on a few grad school applications. I have the potential to start March in a suddenly different place in life. This is intimidating and maybe I'm making a bigger deal of it than I should be. Either way, this year is shaping up to be one of significant change in my life.

Standard Roughness Gauges
Friends and I in the WTC mall at night

At the NYC public library private exhibits

abstract expressionism

my art fav

Wii bowling late at night

Another picasso

Washington Square park near west village

At liberty state park

The sun falling on Boston

Friends at a show

The guinea piggies in their home

Moving Quickly and Trying to Slow Down this Fall Semester

  I feel like I blinked and September is gone. New challenges in front of me and some assignments completed. I have always enjoyed moving qu...