You Can't Put Aluminum on a Grinder Wheel

 You can't put aluminum on a grinder wheel. I didn't do it, someone else did and now I don't want to get anywhere near the grinder because it's gunna break one of these days. I tell that story because the grind of the school year has begun. But I still like to think I'm finding the time to have a bit of fun between here and there.

On the left is a set of graphs related to solar PV usage, battery storage, and a cooling system's electrical power draw.
I went to the Orpheum concert hall in downtown Boston and saw Mac Demarco last Sunday. It was a blast, the later half of the concert was mostly them messing around and some of the fans of strictly Mac's stuff headed out. 

Picture of the Orpheum door with the Marquee

My 2.671 experiment jig

Ideation sketches for 2.013

Had the setting wrong on my Model 3 ludlum

Some solar panels for 2.671 experimentation

22.15 Lecture, Essential numerical methods

New Sandpaper and New Experiments

I spend a few hours each week between a few makerspaces around campus. This semester, it will mostly be Makerworkshop, The Deep, and the machine shop in Bldg 32. As a mentor in Makerworkshop, it's important to keep the tools up to proper maintenance. I noticed the sandpaper was too soft and not gritty anymore, so I replaced it. In the meantime, my classes involving projects have started to ramp up as designs start coming along. I am looking forward to seeing these projects come to life as design requirements and preliminary systems' documents are being written.
A Ludlum Model 177 I am using for an experiment using a gamma source and solar panels.

First Few Weeks of September

 Picture from LIST Art Gallery I liked

The first few weeks of September have been quite eventful. Classes have started again and things have picked up to the original pace of MIT, which is fast. I am working on approaching my wide range of responsibilities and obligations this semester by having a 'systems engineering' approach to how I handle my time and efforts. Basically, I would like to plan out my days better to accomplish tasks. 

I am taking 2.671, 2.013, 2.51, 14.01, 22.THT, and 22.15 this semester. I will be working on Mondays and Wednesdays at Shell Techworks and spending some weekend time reading, cleaning/laundry, and getting food with friends. Speaking of which, last week I got sushi with some band mates and old friends at The Mad Monkfish in Central Square. It was a good time.

Scooter Tire Repair

Last night, I spent an hour trying to figure out an issue I found this my electric scooter. The back tire was seriously flat and it seemed that the tire was broken at the schader valve. When I opened up the back assembly to remove the innertube, I found that a large moment between the tire and the pneumatic innertube had caused a break at the valve. I am now trying to figure out how to ensure the tire's valve is compatible with the clamping mechanism on the tire to avoid such a large moment.

EC Handcars Finished

Over the previous week, my friends and I finished up and completed test runs of a track based, human powered handcar for our dorm's rush. In order to attract new students to living in our independent, builder environment, we construct a set of courtyard rides such as this one.

We had a fun time regardless of deadlock with the powers that be. Would design again. :)

Moving Quickly and Trying to Slow Down this Fall Semester

  I feel like I blinked and September is gone. New challenges in front of me and some assignments completed. I have always enjoyed moving qu...