Away from Blogging, Early November Blues

I have not been keeping up with greater than or equal to one post a week. Earlier this month someone who I care very deeply about passed away and they were one of the close followers of this blog. I blog because I want to keep a good record of my learning, activities, and thoughts for those I work with, live with, and care about in my personnel life. The passing of this person was not completely unexpected and they were fighting an illness for some time. I know that they appreciated the occasional reminder about what I was up to every few days and I had found it hard to post knowing they were no longer around to view the material (even if sometimes the content went way over their head). However, time heals these things and I would like to keep this good habit. I know that this significant person would have wanted me to continue. I remember all the days I would go to the local museums with this person. And they cared deeply about the value of education and progress.

So, with that said, I will continue to the best of my ability.
Last night, I met up with a friend from the MIT Rocket Team regarding the sensor placement in the Hermes III nosecone and we talked about the "screw-in" temperature sensors. Last Spring in the previous rocket design, we placed the sensors directly to the fiberglass body with Proline 4500 epoxy. This was troublesome because the fixture was basically permanent (until the high speed collision with the solid Mojave desert). This time, we will be able to strongly affix the sensors to the proper place in the nosecone but have the option to unscrew the sensors from the body.

MIT RT fin can lay-up

A small angled shelf I build this past weekend in the Metropolis wood shop.

Fixing an E-stop on a cold saw

Waterjeting polycarbonate

The old student cable office

Curry feed at East Campus

Two weekends ago at Redbones BBQ in Davis Square

An odd poster I found in Davis Square.

A dynamical signal analyzer helping me find Poles and Zeros in a second order modeled electro-mechanical system.

Some sketches of thermal boundary layers.

A laser interferometer

Thermoforming ice cube/chocolate molds

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