Granite State Vacation Time

 My last post was at my NRL shift on Thursday morning. In that post, I mentioned that Tuesday and Wednesday had been very hectic. This blog post shows it got even hectic-er...

Photo from Thursday

Thursday, March 12th
11 AM - Complete a turnover with Marshall at the NRL and learn about sample facilities with Tom Bork
12 Noon - Finish 8am to 12noon shift at NRL. Go upstairs and talk with coworkers. Ask Dane to help me move on Friday morning at 10am. Grab extra tape.
1 PM - Run home to East Campus. See some friends, people moving all over the place.
2 PM - Jump on my computer and try to do some email/messaging.
3 PM - Pack
4 PM - Pack
5 PM - Pack
6 PM - Pack
7 PM - Pack
8 PM - Pack
9 PM - Pack
10 PM - "Formal Cocoa" event at my dormitory hall, typically this event is held at the end of the semester, we share dishes. This time, the event is held before we all leave. The event is abruptly shocked to a close with a new announcement that the undergrads will be removed by Sunday instead of Tuesday. All Friday classes canceled...
11 PM - I start to pace, I try to pack. I consider renting a car overnight to accelerate my move. My girlfriend Ally calms my nerves and asks me to see my friends for what may be our last time together.
12 Midnight - Move a number of things into the hallway outside my room, start to talk to my friends a bit
1 AM - Pack a few more things, watch an episode of a TV show called Brooklyn 99 to try and relax.
2 AM - Try to sleep, the exhaustion overcomes the stress and I fall to sleep.

Thursday night

Friday, March 13th (Friday the 13th)
9 AM - Wake up, pack, eat a slice of toast
10 AM - My friend Dane arrives in his Jeep. We pack away a few boxes in two trips. I primarily move my weirdly shaped items with these trips. Such as my instruments.
11 AM - move things with Dane. Run back to East Campus in the hard rain and wind.
12 Noon - Keep boxing things
1 PM - Eat reheated pizza. Go out a scour campus for some free food to give to my friends.
2 PM - Panic a bit, then pack
3 PM - Pack
4 PM - Pack
5 PM - Pack
6 PM - Pack, say goodbye to some friends
7 PM - Pack
8 PM - Pack
9 PM - Pack
10 PM - Move things into Ally's room
11 PM - Pack
12 Midnight - look at memes, relax
1 AM - quick shower, watch an episode of a TV show, sleep

Elevator at NW13, moving things down to the basement

Carrying my bag of essentials including a radio for local news at all times

Saturday, March 14th 
7 AM - Get up and make toast and coffee, stomach feels sick when I start to drink coffee so I sip some water instead. Move boxes down to the ground floor.
8 AM - My friend Adriana J. arrives in their family's green Subaru and we begin to pack it up. We complete two trips to the MIT NRL. These two trips complete a move of most of my remaining things to a secure storage site. 
9 AM- finishing the second trip with Adriana moving boxes to the NRL. Get a ride back to East Campus dormitories. My girlfriend is sleeping in my bed at my dorm room. Lay down in my bed with my girlfriend. Fall asleep to exhaustion.
10 AM - Asleep
11 AM - Awake close to 1130. This is the last time we will relax in my undergraduate room together. We talk for a bit and I ask to help her keep packing.
12 Noon - Start packing more with other friends
1 PM - Walk to Columbia street to meet with Realtor about apartments opening up for a June 1st lease. Meet my friend Hadrian there as well who will be living with me in June?
2 PM - See apartment, talk to realtor in Allston. Eat lunch. Get ride back to campus
3 PM - Find other two people I will be leaving with today to go to Keene NH; Brendan Vaughn (friend) and Ally Allen (girlfriend)
4 PM - Drive to Keene
5 PM -  Get to Keene, drop first set of boxes and bags off. 
6 PM - Start back to Cambridge MA.
7 PM - stop for McDonalds near the border of MA and NH. Keep driving
8 PM - Driving
9 PM - Get to Cambridge MA
10 PM - Start to pack food, remaining things in the car. Say goodbyes
11 PM - Driving
12 Midnight - Get to Keene again. Unpack. Check the house for intruders.
1 AM - Start watching The Office on Netflix.
2 AM - Get tired, take shower, lay down, sleep immediately (thanks exhaustion)

At the East Campus desk with Ally and Brendan

Returning my EC dorm key

 and I at a apartment in renovation

Guess I don't have to return this

Last photo of my dormroom

Sunday, March 15th
10 AM - Wake up in the house that Brendan's family has in Keene, NH
11 AM - Play a game to relax
12 Noon - Make breakfast for the three of us, write this post
1 PM - Planning for the rest of the day, tomorrow, the next day, etc.

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