Second Version of Fuel Cell Project

In an effort to improve the gas output and portability of the original hydrogen fuel cell, my friend Joseph and I have taken on ProjX funding to complete our new design. Each plate has a rubber gasket between them.

Note to self: never cut a gasket out in a laser cutter before cleaning it off, the ashy bits get everywhere

A Cold Snap

Be careful out there as the temperatures drop and snow rolls in. Yesterday at work, I left my bike outside in the cold for a few hours and returned to find one of my custom made brackets had shrunk enough to become slightly loose. The front spokes were able to come up off the axle. Nevertheless, I am glad I was not riding the bike when this occurred. A valuable lesson in thermal effects.

Board Design Basically Complete

My first EAGLE project has come to a near complete finish. I'm glad to have learned these valuable skills and related knowledge. Soon this design will be off to a PCB house.

Learning EAGLE with a friend

Today I had a great tutorial to EAGLE from my friend Ben. EAGLE is a piece of software being currently produced by Autodesk. It allows for user friendly design of standardized printed circuit boards (PCBs). The user can upload libraries of electronic parts and board house specific design rules. We are planning to create a board to house a PIC32 microcontroller.

Green Building Pumpkin Drop

 Last Sunday, there was a great event at the Green Building (MIT Bldg. 50). The 1W (Stickmen) hall at East Campus carried a bunch of LN2 filled pumpkins to the top of the massive brutalist tower and dropped them upon the pavement. The neat tradition continues to fascinate me. I wonder if any of the smaller pumpkins reach terminal velocity.

Moving Quickly and Trying to Slow Down this Fall Semester

  I feel like I blinked and September is gone. New challenges in front of me and some assignments completed. I have always enjoyed moving qu...